but sometimes they come back


I'm a life-sucker. I don’t know who you are, or how you stumbled upon my page. But I know that you’re here reading my blog, which is good, I guess. My name is Paula and I have recently (17/05/10) moved to Adelaide from Singapore, where I spent most of my teenage years, and from the Philippines, born, raised, and lived there sixteen years of my life.

My name is Paula and it just amazes me how life changes in an instant. Some people who cared, some dreams and hopes you created; they were all here one moment then gone in the blink of an eye. Or, in this case, in about... seventeen days (and counting)? Yep.

My name is Paula and I wanna be in a place somewhere in the world where I might see someone like you. Or someone like one of my dearest friends in SG, Shasha. Or someone like the man that I love, but without a conflicted heart. My name is Paula and someday, someday, I'll be in that place somewhere in the world.


Blog Hop

Let's exchange links, drop me a message! :)
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Sunday, July 10, 2011 @ 9:44 PM
Hey everyone! I have moved back to the original blog link.. .again!Heh! Visit me @ paulaalyssa.blogspot.com See ya! P
Wednesday, August 18, 2010 @ 9:43 AM
uh, whoever you are, I'm pretty sure my thinking is not as fluffy as yours. Gain some intellectual weight, will ya honey? Gracias! ;)
Sunday, August 15, 2010 @ 4:31 PM
your promises don't mean shit.
Sunday, August 1, 2010 @ 8:48 PM
oh my goodness
And it's August already!? Hmm it's also R's birthday today. Happy birthday!
@ 8:01 PM
liver alone, cheese mine!
Yep, still in Adelaide, for crying out loud! I do like it here. There are so many lemons, and trees… and winds, and character houses, and churches. And you know what? There are literally Australians everywhere you look. So unexpected!

Another thing they have here are IRRITATING MOTHER F-LIES. Arrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhh. I don’t get it. I shower everyday, use lotion and perfume, brush my teeth. But lately some stupid fly has been hovering around me or trying to cuddle my face, maybe. Hah. Very amusing. I even joined the group on facebook! It's good to know I'm not alone!

I think Lady Gaga is awesome. Let's not argue about that. Also awesome: onion rings! I’m not having any right now, though.

I wonder why people like cheese so much. I know nothing about cheeses except they’re made from goats’ milk (or was it cows’?) and that have gone really bad and curdled.

It’s Sunday, you guys. It’s family day. It’s “me” day. You know, my E65 hand phone my mother gave me a year ago, I think, is dying of old age. And it’s still on Sg time. Scented candles are placed all over my room. That’s one of my fave treats. The threat of the irritating winter itch waves at me from behind my window roller shutter. Life will always be a mystery. It confuses all of us at times. Now suck it up.

Saturday, July 31, 2010 @ 5:13 PM
dear paula.
my dreams gone past by me by long time and i have only 22 years soryy for my english - Anonymous, Romania, 2010-07-25 07:58:39 PDT

It's cool! And I guess that makes the two of us. Hey, we're young and our dreams our gonna come true. They're gonna happen. I know it. Cheers to you, from Australia with love! :)

@ 4:51 PM
by request.
  1. You Belong with Me - Taylor Swift
  2. Runaway - The Corrs
  3. The Show - Lenka
  4. Ironic - Alanis Morisette
  5. Head Over Feet - Alanis Morisette
  6. Hey Soul Sister - Train
  7. Terrified - Katharine McPhee
Saturday, July 24, 2010 @ 1:09 PM
July 23, 1989
Uhmm let's pretend that I already own a bar/resto and it's called "Aly's Bar & Resto" :) And then my parents celebrate their 21st Anniversary in my own restaurant! How great is that? :))
More here, CLICK ME:)

 Happy Anniversary Toast: Mom and Dad's 21 Years of Marriage :D
May you guys have many moooore! 

Hmm do you guys like raw oysters? I slightly do but it’s the chewing part that wooooooh! And I don’t really like spicy stuff but the spicy cocktail sauce my dad makes is just also woooooh!

Anyway, I hope you are all in good good time or in good health while reading this, maybe eating some strawberries dipped in chocolate or some Chinese food (I love Chinese food!), while in the embrace of your soulmate or that special someone who loves you just the way you are. And you know, I’ll just be here…

So yea my parents got married so young. My mother had me when she was 18. And yes, they are still chrugglin’ along after 21 years. Yes I also hear you say, I'm an accident child and I'm goddamn proud of it! I also recently joined the group on facebook because I guess I'm also thankful my parents didn't abort my ass. Hey don't get me wrong I love my parents with all my heart. They gave me a gerber pacifier. They gave me nido milk. They gave me life and ooh I love it.

Sometimes I just wonder why some people I know (not only in the movies) get married so young and it seems to last forever while others get married a little later in life and the end just seems to come very quickly. Why is that? Idk. I only know that there is nothing but mystery in life.

And now wanting pancakes & some onion rings,
@ 12:38 AM
i miss you.

...and it's all I do.
Saturday, July 17, 2010 @ 12:05 AM
a haiku for u.
Oh dear Singapore, (5 syllables)
I wish you would stop crying (7)
We'll reunite soon (5)


Hahaha Haven't Written A Poetry in A Long Time,
Friday, July 16, 2010 @ 10:57 PM
by the way, over the highway.
There's this place somewhere in Singapore I'd like to go again and again whenever given a chance. It's a kind of a magic place. Ew. No, not magic. It's kind of a secret place. A secret place, except I'm telling you, that is unusual, yet special to me. Well, the place isn't really a secret. Not of course in the sense that no one else goes there. But how I arrived? Fazli, a very good friend of mine, brought me to that place. I'm so glad he did. I remember one night we just ended up hanging out there sitting and talking about work, music, and life. I remember just hanging out there having McDonald's double cheeseburger meal. I remember just hanging out there sitting still, watching cars pass by. Such a perfect view from where we were. We were on a freeway overpass (yes, some place my mother wouldn't expect her daughter to be)! I don't know if you call it that though. I mean, what's really the difference between a freeway, expressway, tollways and highways? I don't know, but can we just pretend the place is called the Pancake Avenue overpass of the Very Cherry Orchard Road freeway? Good. Because hanging out at the Pancake Avenue overpass of the Very Cherry Orchard Road freeway has at least created some result:

What's weird is that I've always thought I have acrophobia. I don't really know how to tell for sure if I'm a case of that. I mean, it doesn't freak me out to be on high places but then you know I could really feel my knees shake meee from deep within. :Z

Anyway, by the way, highway, this is for you...

LOL (Lots of Love),
Wednesday, July 14, 2010 @ 1:53 PM
you know you're oh so me when..
  1. You love saying random things to annoy some people like your mom, your sister, and Gareth Koh.

  2. Every time you watch Glee, you let yourself drown in those gorgeous eyes of Finn Hudson. You watch Glee in the hopes of having a sweet dream about him.

  3. You shed a lot of tears while watching Nicholas Sparks’ The Notebook, not because Noah wrote Allie 365 letters, everyday for a year, and she never got them, and not because at the end of the movie, their love let them die together. But because you wish you also had an appealing charm like Rachel McAdams. Like really. 

  4. You rifle through the kitchen drawers saying "Where are the farrrking scissors?!!" and you are deadly serious.

  5. You don't want those muffin tops and you want to get rid of your love handles so bad. But you're so dumb that you did not realize that the apple juice you have been drinking like a fish has a lot of sugar in it. How about the amount of sugar and full cream milk you add to your everyday two cups of coffee? Yet you're not even a water person. Good lord.

  6. You read the The Secret's Law of Attraction over and over again. But you always fail so miserably to apply it to your life. Or maybe you're not even trying!

  7. You sometimes feel jittery and you think it’s because you had too much coffee. You’re confuse because other people have been drinking at least four cups of coffee a day. Your mom is trying to restrict you to only a cup and patiently says "Don’t compare yourself to others; everybody is different." Ah, you then feel so guilty, yet you drink your another cup of coffee in the evening.

  8. You're outdated. Even the songs in your iTunes are outdated.

  9. You're obsessed with foam on your drinks. You always want foam on your coffee. You want foam on your milo. You want foam on your hot chocolate. And since you do not have one of those espresso-makers with the steamer thing on the side, you discover frothing your milk with an egg beater. Then you think you're a genius.

  10. You miss having the only thing you ever order at Starbucks: Green Tea Latte + Oreo cheesecake.

  11. You actually relate to Peyton Sawyer's "People are going to disappoint you, I get that, I kind of expect that but, what happens if one day you wake-up and realize you are the disappointment?"

  12. You play loud music in the bathroom so you can poop to your full potential. Joke. You just love listening to music and singing to it while taking a hot hoooot shower.  

  13. You have been playing guitar for four freaking years and you still don't know bar chords/power chords nor do you know how to read those damn tabs.

  14. You find yourself singing to a pile of dirty plates: "Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! Roma-Roma-ma-ah! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Want your bad romance." Or sometimes, “Men men men men manly men whoo ooh hoo ohh oohh... hoo ohh hoo ohoh oo..” 

  15. You are having multiple dreams about that someone special of yours you haven’t seen in four damn months… and counting. You thought maybe dreams are just dreams but still wonder why. And then you come up with the following possible conclusions:

    • You left, for god’s sake, he has found a replacement of you!
    • You miss him and you still want him that it hurts and stings so bad. Cuts so bad. Burns so bad. Right in the balls.
    • Who do you think you are? You know deep inside there’s a place in his heart you can never occupy. Wake up!
          Tuesday, July 13, 2010 @ 5:30 PM
          so not cool.
          I have observed that a lot of people (esp those who use British English words) spell "definitely" as "definately". I don't really know why but it's just completely wrong. I promise you the correct spelling is definitely, with an "i" and not "a" :)

          Not definately

          Not definatly. 

          Not definantly. 

          Not definetly. 

          Not definently. 

          And certainly not defiantly. 

          I promise! :) http://www.d-e-f-i-n-i-t-e-l-y.com/
          Saturday, July 10, 2010 @ 10:26 PM
          y chromosome.
          I have always been asked why I am always single. So I'd like to just throw in a relationship-status update for the mortally curious among you and tell you all that i don't know. Nobody knows why. Life is a mystery, you know. And that is probably why. So ask me one more time. I dare you!




          FINE. I don’t think men aren’t really that necessary.
          Hmm, not a very good reason, isn't? But let me finish. I do not think we really need men in our lives. CRAAAAAP. Of course we do! Besides for reproductive purposes, indeed we need them as they make such amusing pets. That was a joke. Actually, I’ve realized that certain men have made my life more fun and interesting - in terms of both labelled and non-labelled relationshitips. On the other hand, I am proud of my temporary but very public singlehood status. Yes, somehow, I am. It’s just that I’m still a mystery to myself. LOL. What does that mean?

          In conclusion, even though I believe I always have some good candidates running out there, I don’t really know why I am always single. But let’s just say… I always fall for the wrong guy. Looks like I’m doomed. I have not found the right person yet. Yeah, let’s just say that.

          And speaking of men...

          LOL. NO. Not those men. But I do love their show! And you know what's funny? I often find myself actually singing their theme song that goes mainly like this ♫♪ men men men men men men men whoo ooh hoo ohh oohh... hoo ohh hoo ohoh oo.. ♫♪ Like really. Crazy. Funny.

          That’s Finn Hudson of Glee, people! Finn is the man who brings out the fangirl in me! Oh boy, I really think he’s gorgeous and there’s something in those eyes and there's definitely something about the way he looks. Innocent. Confused. ♥_ I super love him! LOL. Is this weird? Am I crazy? Tell me I'm not the only one who thinks he is hot! T-E-L-L--M-E!

          And speaking of me, fangirling...

          I'm truly sorry, Rachel Berry...

          Yeah boy! :D

          HAHA this is redonkulous. Check this out. I found that there are actually three types of Fangirl (from urbandictionary.com):

          - has a slight obsession with the object of her desire
          - reads fanfics about her chosen desire; has about 10 posters of her desire.

          - a slight step up from the Normal Fangirl phase and is aged between 12-17 years old.
          - writes shitty fanficton (all fanficton is shit); sqeeees ALOT; uses those gay anime emoticons such as ^_^).

          - this is the ultimate form of Fangirl; has a Livejournal/devinart/Myspace/xanga account; is seen at Gaia Online and Neopets FC (about 70% of the FC are on this stage already); has about 1000000000 posters dedicated to her object.

          Normal Fangirl:  I like Itachi, hes hot. 

          Rabid Fangirl:  NOOOOO!!! ITACHI IS MINE BITCH!!!!!  
          Uber Fangirl:  OMG!!!! ITACHI IZ MEH FURTOOR HUSBAND!!!!! LYKE WE IZ GUNNA MARRY N HAVE 10000000000 BEBIES!!^______________^: HE IZ MINE BICHTESEE!!!!!

          Goodlord! Which type of fangirl you think I am now?

          Lovelots ^_________________________^,
          Friday, July 2, 2010 @ 10:34 PM
          godless business, eh?
          Not really a fan of politics but after hearing the news earlier this week, I must say I find one thing rather interesting – that Australia’s first female Prime Minister Julia Gillard has confirmed she is an atheist. She’s not their first atheist, by the way. But then her convictions are in complete contrast with those of former PM Kevin Rudd who is a Christian and opposition leader Tony Abbott who is a Catholic.

          I greatly respect other religious views, and correct me if I'm wrong but this is just something that could never happen in my own country, the Philippines. So just imagine my surprise. In Singapore, I believe PM Lee and former PM Lee Kuan Yew follow some Chinese traditional practices. However, I’m not completely sure what religion they actually believe in. I head on over to the forums to find some answers (Yep, that's what I've been doing during this time of unemployment).

          Answer 1:  “LKY is christian.. dunno he practise it or not though….”
          Answer 2:  “LKY christian, you kidding?”
          Answer 3:  “$$$ is their religion.”
          Answer 4:  “haha. they worship demselves.”

          So meaningful… I can't believe I stayed in Singapore for almost four years and yet didn't know the PM's religion! Or, they don't just admit their disbelief nor talk so openly about their faith. I don't know!

          Anyway, Julia Gillard was asked point blank in the TV interview if she believes in God. She replied “No. I don’t believe in God.” I mean, wow. I’m not quite sure what an atheist PM means for me. But I believe it doesn’t affect me or my family in anyway, but just interesting to hear. Not to mention we are only holding a 457 temporary visa and still hoping to be granted PR status in no time and yes, I’ve got my fingers crossed.

          Well, at the end of the day, does religion really matter? At the end of the day we all die anyway, so why give a FARK about anything? That was a JOKE! Hmm, somehow I think it doesn’t really matter. One "concerned man" in the forum said.. and I'm just gonna quote this, "I think that a good governing of a country is not about what country leaders' religion is. It is about what he/she can deliver... So PM's religion is quite secondary. PM's passion, wisdom, love, compassion and abilities are more important..."
          Wednesday, June 30, 2010 @ 11:22 PM
          that someone and i.
          A friend of mine in SG asked me earlier today, "Are u missing someone here?? ha ha"

          I’m not sure about the “ha ha” but yes, there’s someone in SG I’ve been missing. But that someone and I go days without having a meaningful conversation. And though it doesn’t seem like that someone misses me back, I never tried to stop missing that someone because deep inside, I know that I will never succeed.

          I remember the first time we talked. That someone asked for my name and I turned straight into a puddle of.. uh never mind. We were sitting on the floor outside the Alley Bar with the rest of the PPC crew jamming and festively drinking Breda with everyone (and also there, I was just about to find out why they like Breda so much). That someone pulled out the guitar and played with heart, not hands. It was as if (as if!) that someone, with a john mayer voice by the way, was singing to me only. To me only. I felt something different for the first time. Once my heart was captured with that someone's mix of charm, intelligence, silliness, sense of humor, and romantic side. We never really labeled our relationship, but it was in some way fleeting, or perhaps some mere physical attraction we both couldn't ignore. There were a lot of things I wanted that someone to know like such a very special person that someone was to me. But I did not know how and though everything must change, life must change, I will never forget that someone.

          I indeed miss that someone but life is just so cruel sometimes. We were both aware that fate would soon find us separated. It did and I think of that someone every stupid damn time, everyday, and always.

          Saturday, June 19, 2010 @ 5:58 PM
          dear paula.
          so gudluck in ur life.. wish u all d best - Anonymous, Philippines, 2010-06-12 02:14:34 PDT

          Thank you! You're awesome! Let's live long and prosper! ;)

          @ 4:29 PM
          place it in your heart.
          Hah! Okay, so this is another part of my self-improvement project. And hey, I’m serious! It’s different this time. God gave me another chance ok, and I’m taking baby steps back to game’s pinnacle. I wanna believe that I’m a completely different player than I ever was just a year ago.

          So…as part of my project, I’ll be applying Paul Harrington’s book, “The Secret” my mother gave to me two years ago. Ok, yes, I have finally read it.

          THE SECRET 101
          “What do you want to do?” “What do you want to be?”

          • I wanna become a mature person. I want to be smart enough. I know I am and I wanna be better. I wanna learn how to carry on a decent conversation with someone. I wanna be a good conversationalist. I wanna be good at writing. I wanna make sense of everything around me, of everything I do.
          • I wanna be just like mom. She’s great. She’s proud of what she has achieved (career, being a mom, a cook, and everything); that kind of success she dreamed of for years. I wanna achieve that kind of success too. I know someday I will.
          • I wanna believe in real love. I know that God is soon to arrange a meeting between me and Mr. Right, in His own time. You’ll see. :) 
            • I wanna serve my family for the rest of my life. SOON I’ll be returning the kind of life my parents are giving me. They may not know it. I don’t show them a lot, but the gratitude I have for my parents is immeasurable. Deep inside my heart I’m so thankful for my life - I love it. One day I'm gonna make them oh so damn proud of me.
            • Music is and forever will be part of my system. I'll be breaking out my shell one day. I wanna see myself, with full of confidence, excitement, inspiration, and happiness, singing and playing on stage with my acoustic guitar. Also, I wanna be part of some dance crew. I love dancing. A girl can dream, right? So, forget the I’m-Not-Good-Enough. I’ll SOON be forever dancing and singing my life to God, my family and loved ones, and to the rest of the world! No joke.
            • I wanna buy a house. Big enough to fit my whole big family. Someday, okay.

              • I wanna have my own business. I'm gonna have an acoustic bar in Australia or in Paris maybe. Someday!

              “A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That’s why they don’t get what they want.” 
              Madonna – singer, actor

              Well, you know there is no harm in trying, honey. :)

              THE SECRET 101 (Excerpts)
              “What do you want to do?” “What do you want to be?”

              Don’t know? Relax, those are pretty deep questions. But you know, the answer is probably sitting there right under your nose. All you have to do is be conscious of the things that really get you excited. Seriously. It’s more likely than not that what you want to do, and who you’re supposed to be, are all tied up with the stuff that fires you up right now. So …

              Take out a notepad and write a list of all the stuff that you’re into, awesome stuff that takes your breath away and really makes you feel all warm and fuzzy.

              No pressure; just write down anything that you love to do, or that you really look forward to. It could be school related, or things you do with friends. Maybe it’s stuff you do on your own. Or something you’ve always wanted to do. Whatever you can think of, just write it down.

              Go ahead, do it right now.

              … …

              You didn’t do it, did you? I bet you figured, “Eh, I’ll do it some other time.” Well this is the time. This is your moment. This is your big opportunity to take a chance, to shine.

              Truth is, most people just go with the flow; they stick with the flock. Well, that’s up to you. The choice is yours, to be a follower and get what’s given. Or you can step up and take what’s yours.

              You’re into that? Okay, great, so write down a list of all the things that thrill you, that make you feel great. Go ahead. What have you got to lose?

              To get your creative juices flowing, here are some random suggestions:
              The environment

              If your passion isn’t here, no worries. Just be true to yourself and make out your list. To make it easier, picture yourself doing each one of the things you’re interested in. Imagine with all your senses – the sights, the sounds, the smells, the sensations – feel the buzz, feel the excitement. Which moments feel best?

              Now cut the list down to your three absolute favorites. Be decisive; be strong.
              Okay, done?

              Go you! Because these three things are your purpose, your passion, and your motivation in life. And this is what life is all about.

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              paulaalyssa.blogspot.com ROFL because oh my goodness liver alone, cheese mine! dear paula. by request. July 23, 1989 i miss you. a haiku for u.
              showed some love. © June 2010 LAYOUT BACKGROUND COLORS MINIICONS CARTOONSTOCK.COM